Dave Sinclair official website
2nd FEB 2025
Tears In His Eyes
I had a 44 per cent chance of dying in January ’23 after I suffered a haemorrhagic stroke ( brain bleed )
Luckily, I survived, and eventually set about re-thinking my life.
I stopped taking every type of medication, and finally somehow managed to continue with the building work, started 18 months previously, on my music studio as a form of rehabilitation.
Now, after more than another two years, I have completed the studio, and my latest album, the tracks of which will be released on Bandcamp very soon.
I believe there’s more emotion in this music than in my previous 10 cd releases and, apart from my solo work, these tracks also feature another 15 musicians including Jimmy Hastings, Robert Wyatt, and Billie Bottle, who have given me much support over the years.
Although I left Caravan far behind, my musical head is still intact.
8th APR 2023
Today is the 52nd birthday marking the release of Caravan's album In The Land of Grey and Pink!
Dave and his son Nic are now announcing a crowdfund campaign to revive the Hammond Organ UK A-100 organ, that gave early Caravan its treasured sound.
Check out episode 4 of Dave Sinclair ... The Lost Interview available via YouTube , to find out more about the organ and the Caravan sound which Dave created.
2nd Sep 2021
My article came out in Canterbury-Kent newspaper about the 50th anniversary of Caravan's most iconic album, 'In The Land of Grey and Pink'
You can read it online Page 26-27.
9th Nov 2019
11月9日㈯ 令和元年度愛媛県県民総合文化祭に出演決定
「Island of Dreams ~ゆめのしま~」を高校生達とコラボ。
ソロパフォーマンスでは、未発表曲を含む2曲を披露。その後、済美高校・新居浜西高校・新居浜東高校の合唱部の約50名の皆さんが「Island of Dreams ~ゆめのしま~」を合唱、デイヴのピアノと共演しました。

13th June 2019
アルバム‘Out Of Sinc’や、デイヴの現在の暮らしについてまとめてくれました。
Thank you Kanyoko-chan for travelling a long distance to interview me! I'm honoured that you are a true fan of my music at such a young age !!
1st June 2019
6月1日㈯ 瀬戸内しまなみ海道
場所は愛媛県の大三島、道の駅多田羅しまなみ公園。晴天の中、弓削高校音楽部の6人と「Island of Dreams」も共演。


弓削小学校の卒業式にゲスト参加しました。 卒業生の旅立ちの言葉に合わせ'Stream'を演奏し、「Island of Dreams ~ゆめのしま~」をコラボレーション。その後、在校生のお別れの言葉のBGMには'Back For Tea'を演奏しました。 'Island Of Dreams' at Yuge Elementary School. Wonderful graduation ceremony today at Yuge Elementary school in Japan.

I played and talked about some of my favourite Caravan and solo tracks for a two hour special on 6th March, 1600-1800 hrs French time. Time in Japan is from midnight until 2am on the 7th. The recording can also be accessed online anytime from the following links.

大阪のROYAL HORSEでの「Yammy* sings Burt Bacharach」にゲスト出演。 'Island of Dreams'、'Our World' の2曲を披露。 リンク先から'Our World' がお聴きいただけます。

大阪のROYAL HORSEでの「Yammy* sings Burt Bacharach」にゲスト出演。 'Island of Dreams'、'Our World' の2曲を披露。 リンク先から'Island of Dreams' がお聴きいただけます。

高校でのイベント後の夜、古民家ゲストハウス汐見の家でミニライブ。遠方からもたくさんの方にお越しいただき、満員御礼の中、全10曲を披露。アフターパーティーでは、Book Cafe Okappa に場所を移し、アットホームな雰囲気で皆様に楽しんでいただきました。 Dave and Yammy* Band :Dave Sinclair(keyboards,vocal)、Yammy*(vocal,guitar)、ラリー藤本(bass)、野本暁(percussion)、Sam(guitar)

弓削高校にて創立70周年記念芸術鑑賞会として行われたコンサートでは、在校生と共に「Island of Dream ゆめのしま」を合唱。
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